\r\n Note: If you have benefited from RQA program previously at any time, please note that you are not eligible to apply.\r\n Application from candidates who have previously applied will be automatically rejected.\r\n
\r\nNote: The deadline for the applications has been extended until 7 June
\r\nYou may send us any inquiry you have by inserting your name and email address in box below
\r\nEnglish | \r\nDari | \r\nPashto | \r\n\r\n |
{{row.english}} | \r\n{{row.dari}} | \r\n{{row.pashto}} | \r\n\r\n | \r\n
Document Type | \r\nName | \r\n\r\n |
{{lookupMap(row.documentTypeId)}} | \r\n{{row.name}} | \r\n\r\n | \r\n
Your resume is complete. You can now apply to a placement by clicking link below
\r\nYour resume is not complete yet. Click on the link below to complete your resume
\r\nLanguage | \r\nSpeaking | \r\nReading | \r\nWriting | \r\n
{{row.languageText}} | \r\n{{row.speakingText}} | \r\n{{row.readingText}} | \r\n{{row.writingText}} | \r\n
Qualification Type | \r\nField of Study | \r\nUniversity | \r\nDegree Year | \r\nStart Date | \r\nEnd Date | \r\nDegree Awarded | \r\n
{{row.qualificationTypeText}} | \r\n{{row.studyFieldText}} | \r\n{{row.university}} | \r\n{{row.degreeYear}} | \r\n{{row.startDate|formatDate}} | \r\n{{row.endDate|formatDate}} | \r\n{{row.degreeAwarded|yesNo}} | \r\n
Job Title | \r\nOrganization | \r\nCountry | \r\nStart Date | \r\nEnd Date | \r\nResponsibilities | \r\nCurrently Working | \r\n
{{row.jobTitle}} | \r\n{{row.organization}} | \r\n{{row.countryText}} | \r\n{{row.startDate|formatDate}} | \r\n{{row.endDate|formatDate}} | \r\n{{row.responsibilities}} | \r\n{{row.currentlyWorking|yesNo}} | \r\n
Description | \r\nName | \r\n
{{row.documentTypeText}} | \r\n\r\n {{row.name}}\r\n | \r\n
Note: Contract duration for all the placements is maximum 9 months.
\r\n\r\n | \r\n Position Title | \r\nClosing Date | \r\nExperience | \r\nOrganization | \r\nStatus | \r\nGender | \r\n\r\n |
\r\n | \r\n \r\n | \r\n {{row.closingDate|formatDate}} | \r\n{{row.experienceMinYears}} - {{row.experienceMaxYears}} | \r\n{{row.organizationText}} | \r\n{{row.statusTypeText}} | \r\n{{row.genderTypeText}} | \r\n
Country | \r\nProvince | \r\nVacancy Number | \r\nNumber of Positions | \r\n\r\n |
{{countryMap(row.countryId)}} | \r\n{{provinceMap(row.provinceId)}} | \r\n{{row.vacancyNumber}} | \r\n{{row.numOfPositions}} | \r\n\r\n | \r\n
Country | \r\nProvince | \r\nVacancy Number | \r\nNumber of Positions | \r\n
{{row.countryText}} | \r\n{{row.provinceText}} | \r\n{{row.vacancyNumber}} | \r\n{{row.numOfPositions}} | \r\n
Position Title | \r\nApplication Date | \r\nClosing Date | \r\nStatus | \r\n\r\n |
\r\n | \r\n {{row.applicationDate|formatDate}} | \r\n{{row.closingDate|formatDate}} | \r\n{{row.statusType}} | \r\n\r\n | \r\n
Position Title | \r\nApplication Date | \r\nClosing Date | \r\nFirst Name | \r\nLast Name | \r\nStatus | \r\n\r\n |
{{row.positionTitle}} | \r\n{{row.applicationDate|formatDate}} | \r\n{{row.closingDate|formatDate}} | \r\n\r\n | \r\n {{row.applicantLastName}} | \r\n{{row.statusType}} | \r\n\r\n | \r\n
Position Title | \r\nApplication Date | \r\nClosing Date | \r\nFirst Name | \r\nLast Name | \r\nStatus | \r\n\r\n |
\r\n | \r\n {{row.applicationDate|formatDate}} | \r\n{{row.closingDate|formatDate}} | \r\n\r\n | \r\n {{row.applicantLastName}} | \r\n{{row.statusType}} | \r\n\r\n | \r\n